Ductless heating and cooling systems are becoming increasingly popular. These systems keep your home warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Read on to learn why Buford, GA, homes that provide efficient and updated ductless solutions have more value than those without the systems.

Create Zones in the Home

A ductless air conditioning unit gives you the comfort of creating zones in the home. Through zoning, you will have the ability to regulate temperatures in the rooms you want, which lowers your utility bills. If you want to add more value to your home, you can add features such as wireless control and a multi-zone option to your ductless mini-splits.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

In case you prefer to spend most of your time indoors, you want a home with an efficient air filtration system that will ensure good indoor air quality. Ductless mini-splits contain multi-stage filtration systems that help eliminate air pollutants. A house with a ductless solution has a higher value because the unit reduces the chances of pollutant buildup.

Provides State-Of-the-Art Heat and Air Technology

A ductless mini-split system is among the most advanced climate control systems in the HVAC industry. It provides solutions to situations that you encounter in your home, such as uneven heating and cooling and constant buildup of dust particles.

They Provide Energy-Efficiency in Older/Historic Homes

Energy-efficient ductless mini-splits are a solid choice for heating and cooling your old or historic home. Installing a ductless mini-split is much easier in an older or historic home because the outside unit takes up less space than most HVAC systems, and the indoor unit takes up less space on the wall and the ceiling.

A technician doesn’t need to cut into your walls to install the vents and ductwork, which allows the home to retain its authentic value. If you reside in Buford, GA, you can contact Pruitt Heating & Air to provide efficient ductless services.

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