There’s likely no cause for concern if your thermostat screen indicates it’s in recovery mode. This is a normal setting on advanced programmable devices. Learning about this mode can help you make the most of your home’s HVAC equipment.

Recovery Mode Basics

Recovery mode means that your thermostat is actively adjusting your home’s temperature. You may spot a small light blinking on the display or see the “smart recovery” status. It often happens when your thermostat has recently been in its energy-efficiency mode.

Recovery mode activates when you have an upcoming temperature change scheduled. It will prematurely turn on your HVAC system to help meet your future comfort settings quickly.

When Recovery Mode Happens

Many programmable thermostats come with a default recovery mode preset. You’ll likely see the display indicating the device is in this mode a few hours before your home should be at a different temperature. As long as your HVAC system continues to run normally, there’s no need to make any adjustments.

This mode can unexpectedly activate if you have a smart thermostat that’s able to alter its preferences to match your household’s schedule. You can manually turn off this mode by updating your device’s settings.

Potential Recovery Mode Concerns

If you notice your thermostat is frequently in recovery mode, there could be an issue with your HVAC system or device. A furnace or AC fault may have left the system unable to produce efficient temperature control. You could need professional HVAC repairs to troubleshoot and correct the issue.

Pinpointing the problem behind your malfunctioning thermostat can be difficult for a homeowner. Save your time and money by trusting experienced experts to handle all of your indoor comfort concerns. Contact Pruitt Heating & Air, Inc. now to ask about our selection of home controls and thermostats.

Image provided by iStock

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