Uneven airflow can cause a lot of heating and cooling problems if you don’t take care of the issue promptly. Here are some of the most important reasons you should maintain good airflow.

1. Maintains Good Air Quality

If air is not circulating properly throughout the space, it won’t always go through filters, meaning your filter removes fewer contaminants like dust, pollen and dirt. In this case, allergies and breathing difficulties can quickly become a bigger problem than normal.

2. Lower Static Pressure

Good airflow helps to reduce static pressure within the HVAC system, meaning that the air inside the ducts is circulating well without any issues. The result is that air quality improves and energy use is more efficient.

3. Reduces System Strain

When air can’t move well throughout the HVAC system, it tends to force the inner parts to work harder, which creates heat buildup. This can quickly wear on the system and result in frequent malfunctions and expensive repairs.

4. Stable Temperature

A steady supply of airflow throughout a building will help ensure that the temperature remains at a constant level. Poorly ventilated rooms tend to experience temperature fluctuations that negatively impact comfort.

5. Quieter Operation

An HVAC system under strain will often be louder than it should be. Parts of the ducts could be leaking air, which can further the problem.

If your HVAC system is experiencing improper airflow, call Pruitt Heating & Air, Inc. today for a consultation. In business since 1978, we always strive to provide top-notch services and honest assessments. Our job is to ensure your HVAC system is delivering even airflow!

Image provided by iStock

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